Cleaning Services Agreement Draft

This cleaning contract is concluded on [agreement. CreatedDate] between [Sender.Company] (provider) and [Client.Company] (client) (client), collectively referred to as “parties”. VIII. This Agreement constitutes a cleaning service contract between the above-mentioned Parties and constitutes a comprehensive agreement between the two Parties. It then replaces all prior contractual or non-contractual agreements concluded between the two parties mentioned, i.e. .dem “customer” and the “service provider”. As has already been said, a cleaning contract may be necessary for several reasons. Large cleaning companies, small family-owned cleaning companies and even independent contractors who offer cleaning services need such a contract to protect their interests, especially from a legal point of view. Below is a template that can be used as is or can be modified to meet the needs of a cleaning service provider! 13.In event that one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable, illegal or invalid, does not affect it to other provisions of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be construed as if the provision deemed unenforceable, illegal or invalid would never have been included in the Agreement, or if the unenforceable, illegal or invalid provision must be interpreted, modified and/or reformed to be made enforceable, legal and valid. The service provider undertakes to offer the following services during the term of this contract.

If you are a maid or an independent concierge, you can use a cleaning contract to manage your guests and keep your autonomy documents. Offering a properly drafted legal document assures your potential client of your professional credentials and ensures that you are legally protected in the event of a payment dispute. Accessories and equipment. The Licensee shall make available, at its own expense, its own cleaning products and equipment necessary for the provision and completion of the services provided for in this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the contracting entity does not supply the agreed supplies, the contracting authority understands that it is responsible for reimbursing the contractor for all costs incurred. This is especially important, as cleaning contracts usually have schedules. Schedules can be very important for the proper functioning of a business and a cleaning contract makes these schedules official and legally protects them.. . . .

What Makes Us The Best.

  • We take our time to do precise repairs and builds of our customers bikes.
  • Our focus is on detail and, more importantly, accountability of safety.
  • We use only the best tools, parts, cleaners, and lubricant.
  • We always use proper manufacturer torque settings for safety and warranty requirements.
  • All employees that touch your bike are Certified Barnett Mechanics.
  • Bicycle Speed Shop is always up-to-date with the latest technology and training.