If, at any time, the Lessor terminates the Agreement and the Tenant`s rights under this Agreement for a delay, the Lessor may, in addition to any other recourse that may be attributable to the Lessor, recover from the Lessee all damages that may result from such delay, including the rent reserved in this Agreement and calculated in this Agreement, which is remunerated on the current value. less the cash value of the destroyed premises for the remainder of the life (remunerated in the same way), which are immediately due and payable, with lawyer`s fees from the tenant to the lessor and without exemption from the assessment, and the lessor is not obliged to release it. The tenant`s liability for late damage and/or rental costs also applies after the termination of this contract. While many people are confused between residential and commercial rentals, it`s important to understand them both, as they are different from each other. It is a commercial lease between a lessor and a tenant that describes the conditions of a leased property. Therefore, if you are considering buying a leased property for your business, you can look for the commercial lease. However, you should make sure that you review all the terms and conditions in order to ensure that the lease meets your business needs. Look at what you need to keep in mind for your commercial lease. Be sure to document all decisions, for example.
B who is responsible for reparations, as it is more difficult for the courts to enforce oral agreements. Learning more about what to do is “When good rental deals get bad”. (D) Reciprocal waiver of the transfer of receivables. Where one of the parties suffers loss or damage caused by the other party but which is covered by the insurance of the injured party, the injured party waives any claim it may have against the other party, to the extent that it is compensated by the insurance required by this Agreement; and each party undertakes to obtain from its insurer a disposition and recognition of such waiver and an agreement that the insurance body shall not be transferred to the rights of the injured party, to the extent that such rights have been waived above. . . .